Riso Art Jam 2023

Riso Art Jam 2023

It’s been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences since we made our debut as exhibitors and vendors at the groundbreaking Riso Art Jam. As we look back on this monumental event, we're filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment, not just for what we achieved, but for the incredible journey of growth and learning it spurred in us.

For the first time, we found ourselves alongside many Riso 'giants' — pioneers and veterans of the Riso printing world whose work we’ve admired from afar. The opportunity to exhibit beside them was both exhilarating and, admittedly, a bit daunting at first. But as the event unfolded, our initial apprehensions quickly dissolved into a profound sense of gratitude and inspiration.

From the very first day, we were swept up in the vibrant energy of the Riso Art Jam. Our booth, a carefully curated collection of Riso prints, zines, and our newly launched Riso colour cards, and 'Risorcery Guide' zine, became a hub for engaging conversations and exchanges of ideas. We were not just exhibitors; we were learners, soaking in every bit of wisdom the event and its participants had to offer.

The interactions we had were invaluable. Talking with fellow exhibitors, many of whom were Riso 'giants', we learned more than we could have imagined. Their stories of challenges and triumphs, their techniques and creative processes, and their visions for the future of Riso printing opened our eyes to new possibilities and approaches. Each conversation was a lesson in creativity, resilience, and passion for the craft.

Meeting new friends and enthusiasts from the community was equally enriching. Their excitement and curiosity about our work, their thoughtful questions, and their shared stories of what drew them to Riso printing, reminded us of the unique and special nature of this art form. It was a heartening affirmation that we were part of something truly special and impactful.

Reflecting on the Riso Art Jam, it’s clear that the event was much more than an exhibition and bazaar. It was a vibrant gathering of minds, a celebration of creativity, and a profound learning experience. We came away from it with a deeper appreciation for Riso printing, a wealth of new ideas, and a network of friends and mentors in the Riso community.

As we continue on our journey, the memories and lessons from the Riso Art Jam will undoubtedly fuel our passion and guide our steps. We are grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such an inspiring event, and we look forward to what the future holds, armed with new knowledge, inspiration, and a sense of belonging in the ever-expanding world of Riso printing.

Here’s to the first of many more milestones on our creative journey. The Riso Art Jam was not just an event; it was a turning point for us, and we are excited to see where this path will take us next.

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